Author page: Francesco Feston

Why Innovate with Outsiders?

> Even in the throes of a global recession, when the focus was on restructurings and cost reductions, 80% of the respondents rated becoming more innovative among their top three priorities for achieving company success. > Nearly two-thirds of the executives admitted their businesses were not close to realizing their full potential in tapping outside ideas; they deemed such action a big…

Takeaway Questions from “80/20 Sales and Marketing” by Perry Marshal

The Power Triangle   ‘ Who would buy this?’ (Traffic)  ‘ What can we say to persuade them to buy?’ (Conversion)  ‘ Can you reach them affordably?’ (Economics)  ‘ Can they give you money?’ (Economics) In order to sell something you have to get Traffic; then you have to convert the traffic. Economics means you have to create value for your customers and…

Perché un commerciale dovrebbe conoscere le scorciatoie dell’amigdala?

Se paragonassimo il cervello umano ad una matrioska, avremmo probabilmente una sequenza ad incastro di questo tipo: la bambola matrioska più grande corrisponderebbe alla neocorteccia- la materia grigia- che presiede alle funzioni cognitive. È il cosiddetto cervello razionale.  La bambola centrale sarebbe il sistema limbico, il cosiddetto cervello emotivo.Ospita l’amigdala che è un po’ il centro delle emozioni, parla la lingua della…