business insight

Why Innovate with Outsiders?

> Even in the throes of a global recession, when the focus was on restructurings and cost reductions, 80% of the respondents rated becoming more innovative among their top three priorities for achieving company success. > Nearly two-thirds of the executives admitted their businesses were not close to realizing their full potential in tapping outside ideas; they deemed such action a big…

A guide to open strategy

> open up in order to determine the direction it wants to take (idea generation phase) OR > work out the exact details of their strategy (formulation phase) OR > mobilize staff around its strategy (execution phase)strategy making will involve different numbers and types of people, and requires different amounts and typeS of data. BECAUSE> this offers new thinking AND> legitimizes a new…

Innovare è doloroso

Innovare è doloroso e glissare su questo aspetto o fingere che non lo sia è un rischio che nessun’azienda può né deve correre.  L’innovazione va spesso di pari passo con ansia e stress, ma quella vincente, quella che lascia un segno è dolorosa perché è una continua tensione verso il superamento dei propri limiti.  Lo sanno bene le Google e Apple di…

“Tell me what your problem is and I’ll tell you what kind of innovation to pursue”

In this HBR article Greg Satell explains why there is no one-size-fits-all kind of innovation and how to pick the most suitable one for your specific problem. To get there, you have to start by framing the problem correctly. Therefore the author invites whomever deals with innovation, whether it is a big company or a small one, to dwell on these 2…

Are you networking impaired?

Researchers Rob Cross and Robert Thomas have found time and again that “who you know” is important, but just knowing lots of people won’t get you there. “ In fact, we’ve found that individuals who simply know a lot of people are less likely to achieve standout performance,” they write. “Political animals with lots of connections to corporate and industry leaders don’t…